One More Trip

What the summer we've had! One last trip to cap off the summer - and it was a doozy!

We took in the Seattle Zoo on the way to visit Dork and family on Whidbey Island.

We had a great time getting to know the cutest puppy around, miss Sophie. She almost made it home with us.

Also, we made some pie. Just six or seven. Oh, and we ate all of them. It was mostly Patrick.

I asserted my dominance in golf (the kind played with cards - I'm the current undefeated world champion - a three-peat!).

And the boys had the greatest time. Bats flew overhead while we were in the hot tub (no rabies shots required Tiffy, these are outside bats), they threw rocks in the Puget Sound and they got to play in the lake. See below. Thanks very much for the splendid time. Whatever!


Tiffany said...
September 2, 2008 at 6:39 AM

Nice tubin'! Apparently you are a better tuber than snowboarder since you let us see these pics. Lookin' good out there!

Sarah said...
September 2, 2008 at 11:26 AM

I was hoping to work it so I wouldn't be seen, and while Ben would have liked to go by himself, I didn't think it was a good idea. I thought I could show off my feet, tho, when I was solo.

Anonymous said...
September 2, 2008 at 11:30 AM

You all have had quite a busy summer!

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