Goofy vu

Overheard at dinner:

"Mama, do you know who's still Goofy?" asks Ben.

"Um, let me think. Could it be that guy Goofy?" Mama asks.

"YES! Ha! Ha! Ha!" chuckles Ben.

Still hi-larious.

Measurement, Smeasurement

While Ben was reading me the recipe for the yummy pancakes we made for breakfast, we were working on fractions. If 1/2 is one half, then it logically follows that 1/3 is "one and three halfs."

Doesn't it?

Where Everybody Knows Your Name ...

Both Ben and Ry attend classes at Portland Indoor Soccer in the Little Kickers program. Ben's been going since he was 18 months old, and Ry has happily joined a class after watching Ben from the sidelines for two years. It's a great program which I recommend without reservations.

At the start of each class, each child tells the others their name and some other tidbit of info. Ry's modus operandi is to say his entire name, very quickly and, surprisingly, very quietly. The coaches know this is coming and usually respond with a "Hi Ry!".

At class this week, it was a repeat performance, with a little twist at the end. After mumbling his name, he continued in a loud, clear voice "But my friends call me Ry."

Where did that come from?

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