Gone Fishin'

As an end of summer treat, Zuzu and Grampa took me and the boys to a trout farm to fit in a little fishing. We'd tried fishing earlier in the year at Yellowstone, but the freezing temps and snowstorms limited our exposure. And while this was a very well-stocked pond, the boys still got to try out their casting techniques. As long as Ry didn't get too close to the fish, he liked the experience.

Unfortunately, this was not a catch and release spot, so we were forced to bring them home. Travis graciously barbecued them up and the boys seemed to enjoy them. I managed to take a bite for appearances sake.

In keeping with tradition, Ben spit on the worm for good luck.
Further tradition: Ben gave the fish a smooch. So we're weird. Like you didn't know that by now.
Grampa was a big help and handled much of the yucky stuff.
Yummy ... or something like that.


Anonymous said...
September 14, 2008 at 5:53 PM

Reminds me of when my grandfather would take me and my sister fishing when we were about Ben's age. So cute!

Anonymous said...
September 30, 2008 at 9:52 PM

These pictures are bittersweet for me. Your boys are gorgeous! Just only wish that my kids could have known their Grandpa and my Grandpa.

Sarah said...
October 1, 2008 at 12:05 AM

I have the same feelings about Grampa. Wouldn't he have so much fun with our kids?

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