Plague Stricken

As a special treat last week, Travis brought home some nasty germs from work. He spent a couple of days quietly harboring them, feeding them, making them grow stronger before passing them to Ben and to me. He was kind enough to not share them to Ry. As a result, there was some of this:

Then there was some of this:

Finally, some of this:

I have to pass along my heartfelt appreciation to the clever people at Netflix who came up with the whole streaming video concept. It's brilliant. And, it allowed Ben to rest while Ry (who made up for Ben's lack of energy with 137% his normal activity level) was entertained.


Debbie said...
November 15, 2009 at 10:51 PM

That's awesome! Maybe he can teach Jason something!

Debbie said...
November 15, 2009 at 10:52 PM

Poor guys! I hope they're feeling better now.

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