Harvest Party

We were lucky enough to visit with Jason & Debbie during their stellar Harvest Party at their beautiful home. The boys had an incredible time running around, checking out the animals, choosing the perfect Cinderella pumpkin (all grown by Debbie) and eating really, really good food. Travis provided some home brew, which was pretty popular.

The view from their wrap around porch (talk about porch envy!) is really lovely.

The boys helped Debbie hunt for eggs - and Ry didn't break a single one!

The both got to feed the goats - I think this one is Harold (yes, the other is Maude).

We watched the sun set behind their classic barn,

enjoyed the perfect pumpkins,

ran and played,

and danced to the music.

Finally, we took advantage of the amazing decorations and some briefly cooperative boys and snapped this great shot.

Thanks for sharing your great home with us!


Emily Sherwood said...
November 1, 2009 at 7:50 PM

The color of that pumpkin is unreal! And the only thing I can see from the window of my place is the garbage cans outside, so, yeah, serious porch envy here.

Debbie said...
November 1, 2009 at 9:31 PM

Thank you so much for memorializing our party so beautifully. You got some amazing pictures of the view and the barn. I love your perspective with the picture of the pumpkin too. And I'm so glad you took advantage of the decorations in the corner of the porch. I'm happy to have shared our home with you! Can't wait to see you and the family this week! :)

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