Where have we been?

October was an exceptionally busy month. Worse than average. What were we doing? Well, there was an actual, honest dam crisis that stole Travis from us for more than 13 days. During that time, he worked more than 225 hours. A crazy amount. There was a tax deadline (when is there not a tax deadline?). There were soccer practices. There were soccer games. There were birthday parties. There were school projects. There were visitors. There was getting ready for Halloween. There was homework. There was a lot of time spent in the car. You know, all that stuff that makes up a life.

I'm hopeful that all that stuff will be a little less consuming in November. But, I have a sneaking suspicion that some of the above will just be replaced with something new.

I'll try to do some catchup, but since I know anyone who might still be looking will be most interested in the boy's costumes and the ensuing Halloween extravaganza, I figured I better be sure to get those posted.


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