Run for the Arts

Ben and Ry both participated in Run for the Arts today - it's a fundraiser for art supplies and field trips for their school.
Ben has already been around the track a few times - it's his third year doing the run. Ben did great, running almost the entire 30 minutes. He completed 34 laps, the most in his class. Competitive much?
It's Ry's first go round. And it was a slow go round. There was no running from him. We did manage, however, to walk 8 laps. Not too bad for someone who spent a big chunk of the morning looking like this:


Tiffany said...
October 2, 2009 at 5:13 AM

Ry is related to me, I cry when I run too. Ok, checkbook is with me and 1 HUGE check is going out to the boys today. Thanks Ry for saving me money and Ben, its coming out of your Christmas gifts. :)

Jen said...
October 3, 2009 at 2:36 PM

Ry, I have mornings like that too...;)

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