Happy, Happy Hair

Lately, Ben has been trying out a new vocabulary. Not Spanish, and not grownup words (thankfully), just his own creations to describe everyday things. I've been jotting them down and decided to share the latest.

First, the next time someone goes to New Seasons, Ben would really like it if they could pick up some more goose-goose salad from the deli. The curry kind was especially good.

The other day, a fly got into the house (perhaps through the gash in the screen door caused by repeatedly being hit by a ball?) and Ben urged me to "Quick, get the flyswapper!"

Ben would really like to return to Yellowstone because that's where we see the most chickmunks.

Instead of my usual "great, big, huge" descriptive, I mixed it up with "big ol' hole" to describe the dip in the road. Ben heard "beagle hole!" and forever more, that is what they are.

Tonight, he was rubbing a balloon on his head, trying to get his hair to stand on end. He asked, "Mama, is my hair ecstatic?" Why yes, yes it is.

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