Travis and Ben headed out for a special birthday surprise. They were, apparently, the first people in line at OMSI when it opened. They got great seats at the Omnimax Sea Monster show, took in a Northwest Sky's planetarium show (no telescope instructions included) and slid down the faux ice hill like a penguin. Note: only Ben participated in the last activity, although I've now planted a mental image of Travis in a penguin-like pose, sliding down the hill. He He He. This was followed by lunch at the yummy Green Dragon (new brew pub).
After I created yet another decorated masterpiece, we ordered dinner in. Ben, going on 25, said he'd been around enough people during the day and didn't feel like going out. While the cake is an improvement on last year's creation, (and kudos to Ben for his exclamation that it was the most awesome cake ever) I think I'll stick with accounting. At least it appeared to be tasty ...
Presents, of course, followed. Ben was very mature, and let both Ry and Kenzie help him open presents.
Beautiful cake!
Yes, I am an artiste.
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