Lahaina Tour

Next stop, Lahaina. Cute town - a little Cannon Beach meets Seaside with some larger chains thrown in. The boys explored stores, looked at art, and checked out souvenirs. Did you know we could order a bronze piece from the Wyland Gallery and go watch it being poured right in Sandy, Oregon? No, I didn't either. Almost made me want to buy one, tho. I was this close!

Ry met lots of new friends, who now know he is three and that bigger boy is Ben and he's seven and he's his brother and I'm Mama and that guy is Daddy and we're in Maui and Maui is in Hawaii and our city is Portland. Breathe. And we saw a snail and a big black bee by the pink flowers and we have a new house and we're going to the beach and we're in Maui and Maui is in Hawaii. Lots and lots of new friends.

While in Lahaina, we saw the famous Banyan Tree. It's quite impressive. It was planted in 1873 in front of the Courthouse. It was a nice, shady spot with lots of branches for the boys to explore.

To cool off even more, we stopped in for Shave Ice. While Ben contends it should be Shaved Ice (and that Ry should call multiple octopus octopi), it was yummy no matter the name.

Thankfully, the early to rise little one crashed on our way back. We took turns running errands and let him sleep away. Thanks Maia and Auntie C for the loan of the car seat; sorry about the drool.


Kelly said...
May 15, 2010 at 11:36 PM

I remember that Banyan tree! And those Maui sunsets and rainbows too. Looks like you guys are having a great time.

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