Seriously. Six?

How did this happen? I think I asked the same question last year. Yup, I did. Amazing how quickly things change. I get so wrapped up in getting thru one day and getting ready for the next one, that sometimes I forget to notice that the days are turning into weeks and the weeks into months and my baby into a big boy. But, it's happened again.

Ben is now six. He reads in two languages, can make jokes in Spanish and is generally one of the most well behaved boys I know. He's full of joy, has rhythm, a great laugh and is very creative. He's athletic and sensitive. He's very smart and a little emotional at times. Even though he doesn't believe me, he's still my baby.


Tiffany said...
January 21, 2009 at 1:10 PM

He will always be the baby. Although I promise not to embarrass him in front of his friends by calling him Baby Ben.

You have done well Mama & Daddy, he is a fantastic 6 year old.

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