Ben Kind of Funny

I have my own kind of funny. There are things that really only me and a couple of other people find amusing.

Coffee Pot!
Afghan Hound!
I'm Batman!
Two Notes!

See, most people do not find these things funny. That's okay. I've come to accept this. I'm afraid, however, that I've passed my funny gene to Ben.

Before bed, he called me back to his room because he needed to tell me a joke.

He says, "Mama, do you know who's goofy?"

"Who?" I ask.

His reply: "Goofy, you know the guy goofy? He's goofy!"


Technical Difficulties

So I'd like to post more (really I would) but I'm having some trouble uploading photos. The good news is that my wireless network is VERY secure. The bad news is that I can't upload any pictures unless I use someone else's network. Not sure the neighbors really appreciate that.

I (translate Travis) will get it fixed someday.

Seriously. Six?

How did this happen? I think I asked the same question last year. Yup, I did. Amazing how quickly things change. I get so wrapped up in getting thru one day and getting ready for the next one, that sometimes I forget to notice that the days are turning into weeks and the weeks into months and my baby into a big boy. But, it's happened again.

Ben is now six. He reads in two languages, can make jokes in Spanish and is generally one of the most well behaved boys I know. He's full of joy, has rhythm, a great laugh and is very creative. He's athletic and sensitive. He's very smart and a little emotional at times. Even though he doesn't believe me, he's still my baby.

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