The Envelope Please ...

After much discussion, sliding of samples around in the kitchen and strategic adjustments for poor lighting, we opted for the Hickory Bourbon. It was pretty and not quite as red. Auntie C pointed out that the rest of the floors in the house already have the hand-scraped, dog claw worn, bikes ridden in the house look (or something like that) and that we could just try to match the stain rather than replacing the rest. Very clever.

Then I went to order the Bourbon and discovered the Spice was $1.80 cheaper per square foot. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. Hickory Spice ordered and on it's way tomorrow with the potential to be here by Friday ... please appreciate the self-restraint that went into writing that last statement and not referencing the Spice Girls. Anyway, here's a reminder of the pretty floor headed our way:

Our cabinets are supposed to be here on Tuesday. Anyone want to come assemble them? Anyone, anyone? The range is also on its way and could potentially be delivered as soon as next Wednesday, two days before Christmas. Sweet present, eh?

So, progress continues. The contractor continues with electrical upgrades, plumbing upgrades and patching, sanding and general beautification of the kitchen. There's hope!


Jen said...
December 14, 2009 at 8:25 PM

Good choice on the flooring and hooray for the new stove arriving soon!! I do have a small knack for assembling IKEA furniture...too bad you don't live closer...:)

Shannon said...
December 21, 2009 at 12:35 PM

Probably a good call to match the rest of the house's flooring. How nice that it was on sale!

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