Guitar Lessons

Ben has been wanting to start guitar lessons for a while. We decided to wait to see how the school year was going before over-committing him to another activity. So, once he settled into the weekly homework routine and soccer started to wrap up, we enrolled him in some lessons at Ethos Music Center. After his first lesson, he came home and showed us what he'd learned.

Ry wanted to get in on the action, too. Ethos does have some drumming classes, but they don't work with the school schedule right now. Besides, if I were to take him to those (they're parent/child classes), I'm pretty sure he'd lose whatever rhythm he currently has.


Beth James said...
November 15, 2009 at 7:54 PM

Whoo hoo! Can't wait to hear him play!

Debbie said...
November 15, 2009 at 10:50 PM

Oh my gosh! I don't need to have kids of my own as long as you keep posting these great little snips! I'll live vicariously through you.

Tiffany said...
November 17, 2009 at 4:46 AM

My little rock star - Saturday Market next year to make his millions!

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