Oh Hoppy Day!

The boys handled this year's bounty as the hop growing season came to an end. We had a hoptastic crop this year - our Cascade, Northern Brewer, Magnum, Willamette, Nugget and Centennial all bore the smelly flowers used in Travis' brewing endeavors. Travis cut down the vines (the house looks a little naked), showed the boys what to do, and they took it from there.

Ignore the white stuff on the house. It's really okay - just needs a little paint.


Tiffany said...
September 14, 2008 at 4:47 AM

Thats a lot of hops! Glad the boys can take part in Travis' obsession, I mean hobby.

Anonymous said...
September 22, 2008 at 9:49 AM

That is quite a crop! I hope it turns out "delicious"!

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