We woke Saturday morning at the usual early hour. Although it was still dark, I noticed some large white stuff mixing in with our liquid sunshine. Lo' and behold - it was snow! And it kept snowing for six hours! Bliss! It was so pretty.
Sadly, the timing was not the greatest. Ry had nicely passed on his high fever from earlier in the week to big brother. Ben, making the virus his own, took on the fever and spiced it up with a little midnight upchuck. Note to loyal readers from the eastern seaboard - this hasn't happened since the last time Aunt Tiffy made pancakes for Ben. He ate them, then quickly deposited them in Uncle Patrick's lap. It's how I knew Patrick was a keeper.
Okay, back to our snow day. Both boys enjoyed snuggling on the couch, watching the snow pile up. Okay, so I realize this is neither North Dakota nor Maine snow, but for us, it was pretty good. It was enough to throw snowballs and do some sledding. We managed to sneak out for a few minutes and tackle the monster hill next door. Again, slight exaggeration. What can I tell you - it's snow fever!
Yeah for snow!!! That is some serious PDX snow! It looked like Ben was feeling better, snow will do that to someone related to you. :) I love the pic of the two sledding...2 precious boys. (I hope you enjoyed your 4 hrs!)
Correction - the famous first upchuck was caught in Uncle Patrick's hands, not in his lap.
Even better!
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