Yes, I know I'm delinquent in posting. I'll try to catch you all up on the latest and greatest.
As anticipated, one of the boys was not a fan of the man in the red suit. Ry was having a great time running around the mall while we waited our turn to see Santa. I ruined his fun time - first by preventing him from going on the escalator unattended, then with his re-introduction to Santa. When I plopped him down on the lap of the strange man with the facial hair (not Ry's thing), I got a "what are you doing Mama?" look. What followed, I can only assume was "Don't leave me here! Mama, save me! Daddy, save me!"

Ben, however, is a seasoned pro. He was prepared, told Santa he'd been a good boy all year, and asked Santa for a telescope.
The very clever Santa told Ben that he'd have to check with his astronomy elves to see if there were any left. If not, then he was sure that there would be another very special present waiting for Ben under the tree. Luckily, the astronomy elves had a spare. Unfortunately, it's a very complicated model. Hopefully we'll get it figured out by the time it stops raining. We've got a few months. We spent Christmas eve with Grandma Pat, Grandpa Mike, Grandma Myrtle & Grandpa Bob. After a visit to Grampa Bob's tree of wonder (it has dozens and dozens of motion ornaments - a big hit with Ben), we headed home. We did make a little detour at Burgerville for some yummy shakes (a tradition). Ry was treated to his first milkshake. I think it made up for torturing him at Santa's. Here's a picture of Ben and Grandpa Bob:
Ben and Ry left out cookies and root beer for Santa, and some reindeer food on the lawn for the reindeer. We decided they were probably tired of carrots. It must have worked because Santa came thru, despite Ry's performance. Christmas morning was great - lots of fun with the boys and quiet family time. And, it even snowed. Oh, happy, happy day!
We had our next Christmas celebration with Zuzu, Grampa Mike and Grani. More fun! By this time, Ry had the whole present thing down. Both boys really enjoyed their car race track and seemed pretty keen on sharing the present. It's a Christmas miracle!

Nice Xmas recap (minus webcam Xmas with Maine). Love the pics & especially the one with gpa Bob!
Sorry for the omission. See what happens when there are no photos and no concurrent blogging? To all, our LL Bean Christmas with Tiffy and Patrick in Maine was also spendid.
Love the bed head and the scary Santa pics. Merry belated Christmas!
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