They Call This Snow?
Posted in on 9:43 AM by SarahI don't generally have high expectations for snow in Portland. This doesn't mean I don't become giddy everytime there's mention of snow in the forecast. The thought of snow always makes me happy. And, when we're stuck inside for three days because the city shuts down for three inches of snow, I'm overjoyed (longer than three days, however, is not good). Ben and Ry have both gotten the snow jones - Ben because he'll get to stay home and Ry because Ben likes it.
Because they are so often wrong, I've developed some not so nice names for one of our local broadcasters. While I'm sure he's a very nice man, I do question his honesty (although, truthfully, I should be questioning his accuracy) with respect to snow. So, after Ben began talking, I had to change how I referred to him. Now, poor Matt Zaffino is known as a giant jerky head in our house. Ben has obviously picked up on his failure to correctly predict snow and notes that if Matt Zaffino says it's going to snow, it means it won't.
This year has been particularly hard on our emotions. They (the evil weathermen) have told us time and again to expect snow on the valley floor. Time and again - nada! This time, we were told that there would be 1 to 3 inches of snow - it was practically a sure thing. Ben even saw a different weatherman predict snow, meaning that it was going to happen! Excitement filled the house (except from Travis, who sadly, has to drive to Walla Walla today). And, as you can see below, they need a new ruler, because this ain't it. Oh well, we made the best of it - and Ben got a two hour delay (which means he's got a snow day).
Ry's Vocabulary
Posted in on 9:27 PM by Sarah
In order to determine what kind of conversation Ry and Noah could have, I thought it would be helpful to let his mommy know some of Ry's phrases - a little cross country communication. So, here are some of my favorites and the most commonly heard words and phrases:
- Bra-Ba = brother, the most common way Ry refers to Ben
- Bee = Ben, creeping up in popularity
- Nai-Nai = Night Night.
- Mwah! = Kiss.
- Nenzie = Kenzie (the dog). She may also be referred to as Dog, Doggie or Buppy
- Gat = Cat, also referred to as Gato, Cat or Kit-Tee
- Burd = Bird, also sometimes Ges for geese (there's a large flock on the way to Ben's school)
- Mimi = penguin. It's how he refers to his stuffed penguin and any other penguin he sees
- Agua = Water; some of Ben's Spanish is sticking! Can be used for drinking water or puddles or the Willamette River
- Hiiiii = Hi! I'm so happy to see you!
- Dos = Bye
- Ba-Ba = Bye-Bye
- Hawt = Hot - reserved for anything warm (usually the oven), followed by blowing on whatever it is.
- Hots = Socks
- Wade = Wait, accompanied by the sign and a giggle
- Bah or Bob = book - Bob refers usually to Bob the Builder books, but can also mean any board book.
- Cracka = Cracker but can also mean cookie
- Cheeeeze = Cheese with a really long e sound
- Gurt = Yogurt. Since it's usually Brown Cow, also includes mooing.
- Cockado = Cock-a-doodle-do
- Me Mo = I'd like some more, please.
- Me Mo Ningo = May I have some more mango, please?
- Awldun = All Done. Usually said rapidly. Can be used to let us know when he's done eating, accompanied by pushing himself back from the table. Can be used irritatingly in the middle of the night when he decides he doesn't want to sleep anymore. Can also be used in heart-breaking fashion when I'm giving him an asthma treatment. That last one gets me.
- Pobba = Potty. It happens every now and then. Also used to show me the spot where we didn't make it to the potty in time.
- Uh-Ooh = Uh-Oh. Used when water from the dispenser mysteriously ends up on his shirt or when walking past the accident spot mentioned above, as in "Uh-ooh! Uh-ooh! Pobba!" Also used whenever a phone, any phone, rings.
Five Year Old Wisdom
Posted in on 9:20 PM by Sarah
Two comments from Ben in recent days have left me chuckling. First, he's starting to understand sarcasm and giving it a go every now and then. Case in point: our parking lot rule requires hand holding while anyplace that a car could be driven. So, generally this means one of us will walk him to his car door, holding hands all the while, and let go once he's safely there. This week, we were in a pretty empty lot and he asked if he could get in while I put Ry in his carseat. I gave it a look and said he could go around the car and hop in - which he promptly and safely did without incident. Once in the car, he said, "Look, Mama, I didn't die!" Then he laughed. Stinker.
He also, from time to time, makes observations about the world - sometimes they're pretty astute. For instance, this week he told me that it was good to be a boy. When I asked why, he said it's because girl's bras have wire in them and they are not comfortable. Too true, too true.
He also, from time to time, makes observations about the world - sometimes they're pretty astute. For instance, this week he told me that it was good to be a boy. When I asked why, he said it's because girl's bras have wire in them and they are not comfortable. Too true, too true.
Snowboarding Super Star
Posted in on 11:14 PM by SarahAs I promised Ben at age 2, upon turning 5, I would take him snowboarding. I was younger then - it didn't seem like that bad of an idea. As his birthday approached, Travis kept remindning Ben that Mama was going to take him snowboarding. Thanks, love.
Like most things, it took a village. Thankfully, we could draw on the experience and teaching of Patrick, Charley and Uncle Richie. The boys, Auntie Jannie and I headed up to Stevens Pass on Thursday to fulfill my promise to Ben. It was a great day - easy drive up, lots of great snow and pretty snowfall while we there. Ben, not surprisingly, was a natural. He took to it much better than I did (sadly, the video of me snowboarding appears to not have made it back to Portland).
Like most things, it took a village. Thankfully, we could draw on the experience and teaching of Patrick, Charley and Uncle Richie. The boys, Auntie Jannie and I headed up to Stevens Pass on Thursday to fulfill my promise to Ben. It was a great day - easy drive up, lots of great snow and pretty snowfall while we there. Ben, not surprisingly, was a natural. He took to it much better than I did (sadly, the video of me snowboarding appears to not have made it back to Portland).
Ben Turns Five
Posted in on 9:34 PM by Sarah
How did this happen? I turned around once, blinked three times, and suddenly, my little boy is five. Five going on 12.
Travis and Ben headed out for a special birthday surprise. They were, apparently, the first people in line at OMSI when it opened. They got great seats at the Omnimax Sea Monster show, took in a Northwest Sky's planetarium show (no telescope instructions included) and slid down the faux ice hill like a penguin. Note: only Ben participated in the last activity, although I've now planted a mental image of Travis in a penguin-like pose, sliding down the hill. He He He. This was followed by lunch at the yummy Green Dragon (new brew pub).
After I created yet another decorated masterpiece, we ordered dinner in. Ben, going on 25, said he'd been around enough people during the day and didn't feel like going out. While the cake is an improvement on last year's creation, (and kudos to Ben for his exclamation that it was the most awesome cake ever) I think I'll stick with accounting. At least it appeared to be tasty ...

Presents, of course, followed. Ben was very mature, and let both Ry and Kenzie help him open presents.

Now if I could just slow things down a little. The busier we get each year, the more quickly the days and weeks fly by. He asked me "Mama, do I look like I'm eight?". Don't rush it buddy, it will be here in the blink of an eye.
Travis and Ben headed out for a special birthday surprise. They were, apparently, the first people in line at OMSI when it opened. They got great seats at the Omnimax Sea Monster show, took in a Northwest Sky's planetarium show (no telescope instructions included) and slid down the faux ice hill like a penguin. Note: only Ben participated in the last activity, although I've now planted a mental image of Travis in a penguin-like pose, sliding down the hill. He He He. This was followed by lunch at the yummy Green Dragon (new brew pub).
After I created yet another decorated masterpiece, we ordered dinner in. Ben, going on 25, said he'd been around enough people during the day and didn't feel like going out. While the cake is an improvement on last year's creation, (and kudos to Ben for his exclamation that it was the most awesome cake ever) I think I'll stick with accounting. At least it appeared to be tasty ...
Presents, of course, followed. Ben was very mature, and let both Ry and Kenzie help him open presents.
Holiday Recap
Posted in on 8:25 PM by SarahYes, I know I'm delinquent in posting. I'll try to catch you all up on the latest and greatest.
As anticipated, one of the boys was not a fan of the man in the red suit. Ry was having a great time running around the mall while we waited our turn to see Santa. I ruined his fun time - first by preventing him from going on the escalator unattended, then with his re-introduction to Santa. When I plopped him down on the lap of the strange man with the facial hair (not Ry's thing), I got a "what are you doing Mama?" look. What followed, I can only assume was "Don't leave me here! Mama, save me! Daddy, save me!"

We spent Christmas eve with Grandma Pat, Grandpa Mike, Grandma Myrtle & Grandpa Bob. After a visit to Grampa Bob's tree of wonder (it has dozens and dozens of motion ornaments - a big hit with Ben), we headed home. We did make a little detour at Burgerville for some yummy shakes (a tradition). Ry was treated to his first milkshake. I think it made up for torturing him at Santa's. Here's a picture of Ben and Grandpa Bob:
We had our next Christmas celebration with Zuzu, Grampa Mike and Grani. More fun! By this time, Ry had the whole present thing down. Both boys really enjoyed their car race track and seemed pretty keen on sharing the present. It's a Christmas miracle!
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