
As I previously mentioned, I regret that I haven't recorded every one of Ben's funny comments. He comes up with some doozies! Here a few that I can recall from our recent conversations. First, when we have salad, he would like to have those crunchy things on top, you know, "frutons." Ben is also interested in construction vehicles. In our house, we have the "blueberry picker," the "digging hole truck," and the latest, the "dullbozer." Also, he requested that we rub his foot - the "wrist" part of his foot. Finally, every time we leave the house, we have to "hit the Jack road."

These are just the ones that I can remember recently. And, now I have posted, so no more nagging messages from Tiffy.


Deanna said...
November 16, 2007 at 1:38 PM

Love the fruton comment!!!

Welcome to the world of blogging - I look forward to reading about those two cute boys!! ;)

Amy said...
December 21, 2007 at 3:46 PM

Heehee! That's super funny! Love, Noah

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