Spin, Spin, Spin

It's not all work around here. The boys got this for Christmas and we broke it out a couple of weeks ago. Not as messy as I thought and tons of fun! We all really enjoyed it. Some pretty cool art came from it, too.

Spring Has Sprung!

Drumroll Please

Alright already. At long last, here are the pictures of the new kitchen. Ta Da!

Lovely orange canisters look terrific on the countertops - thank you Tiffany!
Gerdie's new home - water free.
The light fixture that I bought four years before we began the remodel looks just like I imagined it would. I'm really liking the sink - it's roomy and so much prettier than the avocado green sink it replaced.
See, these are a fantastic compliment to the countertop.

The red toaster and the fruit bowl are also set off nicely by the countertop. Of course, I kind of think everything is set off nicely by the countertop.

The floor turned out great. Unfortunately, it does have the bad side effect of making the rest of the floors in the house look terrible. Someday, we shall remedy that, too.

The wall of wonder. The stove is phenomenal. It's spacious, efficient and pretty freakin' fantastic.

The drawers and cupboards are so organized and clean and they don't smell like old man. Some of the cupboards aren't even full yet. This drawer is next to the stove. How handy is that? Genius!

The mocha cabana is up and running.

And when it's not time for coffee, the wine rack comes in handy.

So, there you have it. The new kitchen. It never looks like this, of course, because as like laundry, something is always dirty. Something is always in progress. And something that doesn't belong in the kitchen is always on the countertop. But that's how we like it.

The Delay

I know, I know. What happened? Well, tax season. It happened. It's happening. And it will continue to happen for about 40 more days. I'm way behind (with the blogging - trying my best to keep up with the taxes), but I've been getting a bit of grief about not posting the kitchen. And I do feel bad about that, because it's so pretty and I love it so much. So, soon, I will post pictures of the 99% complete kitchen.

99% complete? What's that mean? Well, there's no backsplash. I'm not sure what to do there yet - so many choices! And there's some paint touch up from the flood. Yes, you knew it couldn't go off without a hitch. There was a flood as it was nearly complete. A pretty big flood. Gerdie misbehaved, quite badly. On the last day of the project, the contractor and her crew (who are still great despite of and largely because of this little snafu) hooked up the water to Gerdie so we could have water at the touch of a lever and ice that doesn't come from a bag from the store. All went well, and we had our first ice a few hours later. It was so great, I took it's picture. Travis mocked me just a little. I was full of glee, especially since Travis always said that they leak and that's why we shouldn't have one.

Course, about 3 am, that glee really came back to bite me. I woke to the sound of rushing water. Lots and lots of rushing water. Gerdie had rejected the tubing feeding her the water to make the magic ice. She really, really didn't like it. So water was flowing freely thru the little tube from the basement, running down the back of the fridge and back into the basement, where an inch of water waited for me at the bottom of the stairs. I rushed to the newly (and conveniently located) water shut off valve and stopped the flow thru the tube. The flow from the kitchen into the basement continued, tho. Turns out there was enough water for four more hours of dripping.

Travis and I spent the next several hours cleaning the basement. Fortunately, we're familiar with the process. The kids slept thru 6 shop vacs full of water, the removal of all sorts of garbage and too many trips up and down the slippery stairs.

In the end, not too much was damaged, the kitchen survived and Gerdie seems to be much happier with the new tube. The contractor totally took responsibility and we're happy with her response - she said she'd make it right and she did. When does that happen? It could have been so much worse - we were headed out of town in a few days. Had we left the water on (which, of course, we do not do) the house would have surely floated away. And on the plus side, Travis has done a great job of cleaning the basement and compiling a little pile of things for me to look thru post tax season (okay, we all know it's a huge pile of crap).

Anyway, this little setback contributed to the delay in picture posting. Excuses, excuses, I know.

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