Spin, Spin, Spin
Posted in on 10:57 PM by SarahDrumroll Please
Posted in on 10:01 PM by SarahSo, there you have it. The new kitchen. It never looks like this, of course, because as like laundry, something is always dirty. Something is always in progress. And something that doesn't belong in the kitchen is always on the countertop. But that's how we like it.
The Delay
Posted in on 9:17 PM by SarahTravis and I spent the next several hours cleaning the basement. Fortunately, we're familiar with the process. The kids slept thru 6 shop vacs full of water, the removal of all sorts of garbage and too many trips up and down the slippery stairs.
In the end, not too much was damaged, the kitchen survived and Gerdie seems to be much happier with the new tube. The contractor totally took responsibility and we're happy with her response - she said she'd make it right and she did. When does that happen? It could have been so much worse - we were headed out of town in a few days. Had we left the water on (which, of course, we do not do) the house would have surely floated away. And on the plus side, Travis has done a great job of cleaning the basement and compiling a little pile of things for me to look thru post tax season (okay, we all know it's a huge pile of crap).
Anyway, this little setback contributed to the delay in picture posting. Excuses, excuses, I know.