Big Changes

We transitioned Ry into a big boy bed in September. He started in the trundle in Ben's room. We decided to have the boys share a room so we could turn the other room in a playroom/guest room. Hopefully, this will help us to reclaim the living room. And, hopefully, they will enjoy most of the time they spend together in their room. Thus far, I think it's a success. They both manage to stay in their room until Travis gets up at o'dark thirty for work. And aside from the one biting incident (Ry really wanted Ben to wake up), it's gone pretty well.

Here are some pictures of Ry's first night. He was pretty excited.

Note: when taking Ry's picture, don't tell him to smile. It just makes him close his eyes.

Going, Going, Gone!

It was a regular school day. Travis and I picked Ben up at the end of the day. Travis waited with Ry in the car. I reminded Ben to get his stuff. We got in the car and started home. I attempted to pry information out of him about his day. Usually the conversation goes something like this:

Mama: Ben, how was your day?
Ben: Good.
Mama: What did you do today?
Ben: Nothing.
Mama: What did you talk about today?
Ben: Nothing.

But on this day, it was a little different.

Mama: Ben, how was your day?
Ben: Good.
Mama: What did you do today?

Ben: Nothing. Oh, I lost my tooth.
Mama & Daddy: What?!

Of course we were almost to the freeway at this point. It had happened first thing in the morning, so no one remembered to mention it to me when I ran in to pick him up from school. We turned around and picked up the tooth, which had been safely stored in a paper napkin inside a paper cup.

Ben lost his first tooth at 9:15 in the morning on September 29th, 2008.

Loose Tooth B

As yet another sign of Ben's impending adulthood, he got his first loose tooth. While he was not to keen on the tie-a-string-around-it trick I suggested, he was quite content to wiggle it back and forth. Constantly.

Run, Run, Run!

Ben's school participated in the Run for the Arts fundraiser to raise funds for art projects and fundraisers. Ben and the rest of his class did a great job. Ben completed 15 laps - the most in his class. Go Ben!

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